a lush green lawn in a garden with bushes and trees .

Mowing Service

Not only does a freshly mowed lawn look (and smell) fabulous, but it is also great for the environment. Regularly scheduled mowing at an optimal height can promote deep root growth, allowing your lawn to thrive and beat back vicious weeds. Moreover, thick and healthy grass is highly efficient at cleaning the air by converting carbon dioxide to oxygen. It also absorbs airborne pollutants and prevents soil erosion.


Grass clippings from mowing also double as a natural, slow-release fertilizer, which is beneficial for the environment and your wallet. By retaining moisture, it reduces the need for watering and keeps trimmings out of landfills.


Though mowing may be of the utmost importance, it is also one of the most time-consuming lawn care tasks. With so much of your free time going into taking care of your lawn, you might not even have the chance to enjoy it. Hiring a professional lawn care service like Aurora Lawn Services can save you time and ensure a job well done.

The Specifics Of Mowing For A Healthy Lawn

Lawn mowing is a surprisingly delicate and precise process, and incorrect practices can cause severe damage to the grass. The primary components of healthy mowing are height and frequency. Grass cut too early or too short can result in scalping, otherwise known as removing too much shoot tissue. Once scalping occurs, it can take a long time for the lawn to recover and may even require new seeding. Consequences of scalping include increased susceptibility to disease, drought, and insect activity.

Most lawn damage is caused by mowing below the recommended height, which changes depending on grass species. The standard optimal height for most turfgrass species is 2.5–3.5 inches. Fine-textured leaf blades with horizontal growth can be cut on the shorter side, while coarse leaf blades with upright growth are less flexible.


How often you should mow can depend on a variety of factors. Grass species, time of year, and weather conditions tend to be the most influential. Ideally, you should never remove more than one-third of the blade height. If that is not possible, you are trying to mow too early and should let it grow first.

The leaf surface is essential for photosynthesis and to protect the plant from sun damage. Though necessary, mowing can be stressful on turf, and a sharp blade is essential to reduce tearing and grass injury. Using a dull blade can cause the grass to lose moisture and become more susceptible to disease. Moreover, lawns should be mowed in a different direction each time to reduce wear and the likelihood of scalping.

Expert Mowing Services in East Aurora

When it comes to proper lawn management, no one method fits all. Effective mowing practices rely on an in-depth understanding of different lawn types and environmental conditions. Hiring a professional lawn care service can ensure that your lawn receives adequate and attentive care while simultaneously freeing up your schedule for more productive or fun activities. At Aurora Lawn Services, we know all the best techniques and can ensure that your lawn remains healthy and green. Contact us today to give your lawn a refreshing haircut that lets it really thrive.

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